Arbeidsmedisin - forskning
Forskning er en sentral oppgave for Avdeling for arbeidsmedisin. Vårt hovedfokus er generering av ny kunnskap samt å bidra til forebygging av arbeids- og miljørelatert sykdom.
Se våre oversikter over pågående og tidligere prosjekter samt publikasjoner.
Pågående prosjekter
Et spørreskjema om luftveisplager og risikofaktorer i arbeidsmiljø og miljø for øvrig, ble i 2013 sendt til et tilfeldig utvalg av 50.000 innbyggere i Telemark. Studien har som mål å kartlegge forekomst av luftveisplager og astma i fylket. Vi skal også undersøke hvilken betydning eksponering i arbeid, kjønn, alder fysisk aktivitet, allergi, andre sykdommer, boforhold og kosthold kan ha. P.t. pågår bearbeiding av data og non-responder undersøkelse. For mer informasjon, kontakt overlege PhD Anne Kristin M Fell.
Personer med lege-diagnostisert astma og en kontrollgruppe (ca 1500, hentet fra befolkningsstudien) ble innkalt til forskningspoliklinikken. Deltagerne i studien mottok et eget spørreskjema vedrørende spesifikk arbeidsrelatert eksponering, komorbiditet og pasient-rapporterte utfallsmål). De ble undersøkt med spirometri, måling av NO i utåndingsluft og diverse blodprøver, blant annet med tanke på inflammasjon. For mer informasjon, kontakt overlege PhD Anne Kristin M Fell.
Det gjøres gensekvensering av astmatikere og kontroller. Målet er å bidra til en bedre beskrivelse av forskjellige fenotyper av astma. Vi bruker metoden 'next generation gene sequensing' som kan finne også sjeldne genvarianter som muligens kan forklare en større del av arveligheten av astma enn tradisjonelle metoder hittil har gjort. Arbeidsrelatert astma og astmatikere med overvekt er spesielle fokusområder for prosjektet. For mer informasjon, kontakt overlege PhD Anne Kristin M Fell.
Prosjektet Telemarksstudien gjennomføres i samarbeid med blant annet professor Johny Kongerud ved UiO/Rikshospitalet, professor Kjell Toren ved Göteborgs universitet og Paul Henneberger fra National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, USA.
Avdelingen har vært en hovedaktør i utforming og gjennomføring av Norges største årlige arbeidsmiljøkartlegging. I 2014 gjennomfører alle 75 000 ansatte i Helse Sør-Øst, Helse Midt og Helse Nord medarbeiderundersøkelsen. Avdelingen er involvert i flere studier basert på dette unike materialet. Tema som studeres er blant annet effekt av lederes kontrollspenn på arbeidsmiljø og sykefravær, effekt av survey feedback metoden som verktøy i organisasjonsutvikling, arbeidsmiljøets påvirkning på 30 dagers dødelighet i norske sykehus og hvilke effekter har "Hovedstadsprosessen" hatt på arbeidsmiljøet ved sykehusene i regionen. Blant samarbeidspartnerne er SINTEF, NTNU, UiO, OUS og Kunnskapssenteret. For mer informasjon kontakt statistiker Martin Veel Svendsen.
En kohortstudie av 1997-årskullet med barn i Telemark. Fulgt fra 4. trinn i 2007 og følges opp frem til 2025. Spørreskjema til foreldre og barn/ungdom, objektiv måling av høyde og vekt samt fysisk aktivitet for et underutvalg. Totalt sett er ca 1 500 barn/ungdom med på en eller flere deler av studien. Samarbeid med Barne- og ungdomspsykiatrisk avdeling Sykehuset Telemark, Høgskolen i Telemark, Folkehelseinstituttet, NOFIMA og Universitetet i Agder. For mer informasjon kontakt statistiker Martin Veel Svendsen.
Tidligere prosjekter
Europeiske prospektiv studie som ledes av Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt. Det ble undersøkt lungefunksjon og symptomer hos sementstøveksponerte ved sementfabrikker i 8 land. 4000 arbeidstakere gjennomførte spirometri og fylte ut et spørreskjema om luftveisplager, tre ganger over en periode på fire år. Det er gjort eksponeringsmålinger for å kunne studere dose-responsforhold. Datainnsamlingen er avsluttet og resultatene er publisert i European Respiratory Journal. For mer informasjon, kontakt overlege PhD Anne Kristin M Fell.
Studien undersøkte bakterielle årsaker til lungebetennelse hos pasienter innlagt med lungebetennelse ved Sykehuset Telemark og Sykehuset Østfold, samt andre karakteristika/risikofaktorer hos pasientgruppen. Det var spesielt fokus på Legionella som årsak til lungebetennelse og risikofaktorer og smittekilder for dette. Dette var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Sykehuset Telemark (arbeidsmedisinsk og medisinsk avdeling), Sykehuset Østfold (medisinsk avd. og mikrobiologisk laboratorium) og Unilabs Telelab (mikrobiologisk avdeling). Datainnsamlingen er avsluttet og resultatene er publisert i Clinical Respiratory Journal. For mer informasjon, kontakt overlege Wenche Røysted.
Publiserte artikler for arbeidmedisin, 2005-2023
Artikler: kun peer-review artikler tatt med i oversikten. (Avdelingens forfattere understreket)
Zivadinovic N, Abrahamsen R, Pesonen M, Wagstaff A, Torén K, Henneberger PK, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Loss to 5-year follow-up in the population-based Telemark Study: risk factors and potential for bias. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 30;13(3):e064311. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064311.
Bergqvist J, Bove M, Andersson A, Schiöler L, Klepaker G, Abrahamsen R, Fell AKM, Hellgren J. Chronic rhinosinusitis associated with chronic bronchitis in a five-year follow-up: the Telemark study. BMC Pulm Med. 2022 Nov 9;22(1):406.
Oțelea MR, Fell AKM, Handra CM, Holm M, Filon FL, Mijakovski D, Minov J, Mutu A, Stephanou E, Stokholm ZA, Stoleski S, Schlünssen V. The value of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in occupational diseases - a systematic review. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2022 Jul 25;17(1):14.
Sarjomaa M, Diep LM, Zhang C, Tveten Y, Reiso H, Thilesen C, Nordbø SA, Berg KK, Aaberge I, Pearce N, Kersten H, Vandenbroucke JP, Eikeland R, Fell AKM. SARS-CoV-2 antibody persistence after five and twelve months: A cohort study from South-Eastern Norway. PLoS One. 2022 Aug 10;17(8):e0264667.
Riise G, Fell AKM, Røed MA. Klimaendringer og helse. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022 Aug 23;142(12).
Rui F, Otelea MR, Fell AKM, Stoleski S, Mijakoski D, Holm M, Schlünssen V, Larese Filon F. Occupational Asthma: The Knowledge Needs for a Better Management. Ann Work Expo Health. 2022 Jan 5:wxab113. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxab113. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34984434.
Klepaker G, Henneberger PK, Torén K, Brunborg C, Kongerud J, Fell AKM.
Association of respiratory symptoms with body mass index and occupational exposure comparing sexes and subjects with and without asthma: follow-up of a Norwegian population study (the Telemark study).
BMJ Open Respir Res. 2022 Mar;9(1):e001186. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2021-001186.
PMID: 35365552
Clarhed UKE, Schiöler L, Torén K, Fell AKM, Hellgren J.
BMI as a risk factor for the development of chronic rhinosinusitis: a prospective population-based study.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Mar 19. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07320-y. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 35305138
Oellingrath IM, De Bortoli MM, Svendsen MV, Fell AKM. Lifestyle and work ability in a general working population in Norway: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019 Apr 3;9(4):e026215. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026215.
Gibbs C, Thalamus J, Kristoffersen DT, Svendsen MV, Holla ØL, Heldal K, Haugaa KH, Hysing J. QT prolongation predicts short-term mortality independent of comorbidity. Europace. 2019 Apr 8. pii: euz058. doi: 10.1093/europace/euz058.
Klepaker G, Svendsen MV, Hertel JK, Holla ØL, Henneberger PK, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. The Influence of Obesity on Work Ability, Respiratory Symptoms and Lung Function in Adults with Asthma. Respiration 2019. DOI/10.1159/000502154
Hestetun I, Svendsen MV, Oellingrath IM. Lifestyle, appearance satisfaction and depressive symptoms in 13-16 years old Norwegian adolescents - A cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2019 Nov;73(8):482-489. DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2019.1653964
Brubakk K, Svendsen MV, Hofoss D, Hansen TM, Barach P, Tjomsland O. Associations between Work Satisfaction, Engagement, and Seven-day Patient Mortality: A Cross-Sectional Survey. BMJ Open. 2019 (accepted)
Marit Nøst Hegseth, Bente Oftedal, Anje Christina Höper, Anna Aminoff, Marte Thomassen, Martin Veel Svendsen, Anne Kristin Møller Fell. Self-reported traffic-related air pollution and respiratory symptoms among adults in an area with modest levels of traffic. PLOS ONE. 2019 (accepted)
Fell, Anne Kristin Møller; Svendsen, Martin Veel; Kim, J L; Abrahamsen, Regine; Henneberger, Paul K.; Toren, K.; Blanc, Paul D.; Kongerud, Johny. Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and respiratory symptoms in non-smoking adults: cross-sectional data from the general population of Telemark, Norway. BMC Public Health 2018 ;Volum 18.(1)
Hestetun, Ingebjørg; Svendsen, Martin Veel; Oellingrath, Inger Margaret. Sleep problems and mental health among young Norwegian adolescents. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2018 ;Volum 9. s. 1-8
Clarhed UKE, Svendsen M, Schiöler L, Kongerud J, Torén K, Hellgren J, Fell AK. Chronic Rhinosinusitis Related to Occupational Exposure- the Telemark Population Study. J Occup Environ Med. 2018 Feb 19. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001312
Hans-Petter Halvorsen, Ola Anton Grytten, Martin Veel Svendsen, Saba Mylvaganam – EAEEIE Environmental Monitoring with focus on Emissions using IoT Platform for Mobile Alert. The 28th EAEEIE Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2018, Reykjavík. ISBN 978-1-5386-7711-7.
Abrahamsen R, Fell AKM, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Torén K, Henneberger PK, Kongerud J. Association of respiratory symptoms and asthma with occupational exposures: Findings from a population-based cross-sectional survey in Telemark, Norway. BMJ Open 2017 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014018
Fell AKM, Nordby KCN. The association between exposure in the cement production industry and non-malignant respiratory effects: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2017 DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012381
Nordang GBN, Busk ØL, Tveten K, Hanevik HI, Fell AKM, Hjelmesæth J, Holla ØL, Hertel JK. Next-generation sequencing of the monogenic obesity genes LEP, LEPR, MC4R, PCSK1 and POMC in a Norwegian cohort of patients with morbid obesity and normal weight controls. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2017 DOI 10.1016/j.ymgme.2017.03.007
Oellingrath IM, Svendsen MV. BMI-specific associations between health-related behaviours and overweight – a longitudinal study among Norwegian adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 2016 Sep 22:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
Fell AK, Eikeland R, Aaseth JO. En kvinne i 30-årene med hoste, tremor, uro og synsforstyrrelser. Nr. 14, 23. august 2016 Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2016; 136:1233-5
Nordby KC, Notø H, Eduard W, Skogstad M, Fell AK, Thomassen Y, Skare Ø, Bergamaschi A, Pietroiusti A, Abderhalden R, Kongerud J, Kjuus H. Thoracic dust exposure is associated with lung function decline in cement production workers. Eur Respir J. 2016 Apr 21. pii: ERJ-02061-2015. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02061-2015. [Epub ahead of print
Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Henneberger PK, Gundersen GF, Torén K, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Non-response in a population-based study of respiratory health in Norway. BMJ Open. 2016 Jan 6;6(1):e009912. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009912.
Fell AKM, Abrahamsen R, Henneberger PK, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Torén K, Kongerud J. Breath-taking jobs: A case-control study of respiratory work disability by occupation in Norway. Occup Environ Med doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-103488
Roth S, Fell AKM. Multiple subcutaneous granulomas and rhinitis following intradermal deposition of unhardened epoxy. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2016 Jun 23;11:30. doi: 10.1186/s12995-016-0120-y.
Inger M. Oellingrath, Martin V. Svendsen and Ingebjørg Hestetun. Gender-specific association of weight perception and appearance satisfaction with slimming attempts and eating patterns in a sample of young Norwegian adolescents. Public Health Nutrition 04/2015 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980015001007
W. Røysted, Ø.Simonsen, A. Jenkins, M. Sarjomaa, MV. Svendsen, E. Ragnhildstveit, Y. Tveten, A. Kanestrøm, H. Waage, J. Ringstad. Aetiology and risk factors of community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized patients in Norway. Clin Respir J. 2015 Mar 12. doi: 10.1111/crj.12283. [Epub ahead of print ]
Tonje H. Stea, Frøydis N. Vik, Elling Bere, Martin V. Svendsen, Inger M.Oellingrath. Meal pattern among Norwegian primary school children and longitudinal associations between meal skipping and weight status Public Health Nutrition 02/2014
Ingebjørg Hestetun, Martin Veel Svendsen, Inger Margaret Oellingrath Associations between overweight, peer problems, and mental health in 12-13-year-old Norwegian children. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 07/2014
Fell AKM, Aasen TOB, Arbeidsrelatert KOLS. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen – [E-pub ahead of print] 28. Oct 2014 doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.14.0255
Inger M. Oellingrath, Martin V. Svendsen and Ingebjørg Hestetun. Eating patterns and mental health problems in early adolescence – a cross-sectional study of 12–13 year-old Norwegian schoolchildren Public Health Nutrition 10/2013
Inger M Oellingrath, Margrethe Hersleth and Martin V Svendsen. Association between parental motives for food choice and eating patterns of 12- to 13-year-old Norwegian children. Public Health Nutrition 2012. doi:10.1017/S1368980012004430.
Skjelbred CF. Svendsen M. Haugan V. Eek AK. Clausen KO. Kure EH. Tuimala JT. Svendsen MV. Norppa H. Hansteen IL. Influence of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, NAT1, NAT2, EPHX1, MTR and MTHFR polymorphism on chromosomal aberration frequencies in human lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 32(3):399-405, 2011 Mar.
Fell A.K.M., Noto H., Skogstad M., Nordby K.-C., Eduard W., Svendsen M.V., Ovstebo R., Troseid A.M.S., Kongerud J. A cross-shift study of lung function, exhaled nitric oxide and inflammatory markers in blood in Norwegian cement production workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2011; 68:799-805. Epub 2011 Febr 5
Nordby KC, Fell AK, Notø H, Eduard W, Skogstad M, Thomassen Y, Bergamaschi A, Kongerud J, Kjuus H. Exposure to thoracic dust, airway symptoms, and lung function in cement production workers. Eur Respir 2011;38:1278-86 Epub 2011 jun 9
Oellingrath I.M., Svendsen M.V., Brantsaeter A.L. Tracking of eating patterns and overweight - A follow-up study of Norwegian schoolchildren from middle childhood to early adolescence. Nutrition Journal. 10 (1) , 2011
Seip B. Bretthauer M. Dahler S. Friestad J. Huppertz-Hauss G. Hoie O. Kittang E. Nyhus S. Pallenschat J. Sandvei P. Stallemo A. Svendsen MV. Hoff G. Sustaining the vitality of colonoscopy quality improvement programmes over time. Experience from the Norwegian Gastronet programme. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 45(3):362-9, 2010 Mar.
Fell AK. Sikkeland LI. Svendsen MV. Kongerud J. Airway inflammation in cement production workers. Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 67(6):395-400, 2010 Jun.
Seip B. Bretthauer M. Dahler S. Friestad J. Huppertz-Hauss G. Hoie O. Kittang E. Nyhus S. Pallenschat J. Sandvei P. Stallemo A. Svendsen MV. Hoff G. Patient satisfaction with on-demand sedation for outpatient colonoscopy. Endoscopy. 42(8):639-46, 2010 Aug.
Doksrod S. Lofgren B. Nordhammer A. Svendsen MV. Gisselsson L. Raeder J. Reinforced laryngeal mask airway compared with endotracheal tube for adenotonsillectomies. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 27(11):941-6, 2010 Nov.
Oellingrath I.M., Svendsen M.V., Brantsaeter A.L. Eating patterns and overweight in 9- to 10year- old children in Telemark County, Norway: A cross-sectional study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 64 (11) (pp 1272-1279), 2010. November 2010
Heldal K, Hartmann A, Leivestad T, Svendsen MV, Foss A, Lien B, Midtvedt K. Clinical outcomes in elderly transplant recipients are related to acute rejection episodes rather than pre-transplant comorbidity. Transplantation 2009 Apr 15;87(7):1045-51
Bollig G, Wahl HA, Svendsen MV. Primary school children are able to perform basic life-saving first aid measures. Resuscitation 2009;80:689-92
Hansteen IL, Clausen KO, Haugan V, Svendsen M, Svendsen MV, Eriksen JG, Skiaker R, Hauger E, Lågeide L, Vistnes AI, Kure EH. "Cytogenetic Effects of Exposure to 2.3 GHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Human Lymphocytes In Vitro" Anticancer Res. 2009 Aug;29(11):4323-4330
Oellingrath IM, Svendsen MV, Reinboth M. Overvekt og fedme blant elever på 4. trinn i grunnskolen i Telemark fylke, Norge. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helsetjenesteforskning. 2 (18-29) 2008
Heldal K. Leivestad T. Hartmann A. Svendsen M.V. Lien B.H. Midtvedt K. Kidney transplantation in the elderly - The Norwegian experience. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 23(3)(pp 1026-1031), 2008.
TE Johansen, M Cek, KG Naber, L Stratchounski, MV Svendsen, P Tenke; on behalf of the PEP and PEAP-study investigators and the board of the European Society of Infections in Urology. Prevalence of hospital-acquired urinary tract infections in urology departments. Eur Urol 2007 Apr;51(4):1100-12
Bollig G, Løvhaug SW, Sagen O, Svendsen MV, Steen PA, Wik L. Airway management by paramedics using endostracheal intubation with a laryngoscope versus the oesophageal tracheal Combitubetrade mark and EasyTubetrade mark on mainikns: A randomised experimental trial. Resuscitation 2006;71:107-111
Johansen TE, Cek M, Naber KG, Stratchounski L, Svendsen MV, Tenke P; on behalf of the PEP and PEAP-study investigators and the board of the European Society of Infections in Urology. Hospital acquired urinary tract infections in urology departments: pathogens, susceptibility and use of antibiotics Data from the PEP and PEAPstudies. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2006 Aug;28 Suppl 1:S91-S107.
Skogsaas B, Svendsen MV . Endringsledelse i sykehus. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2006;23:3084-7
Camilla Furu Skjelbred, Marit Svendsen, Vera Haugan, Anette Kildal Eek, Kjell Oskar Clausen, Martin Veel Svendsen and Inger-Lise Hansteen. Influence of DNA repair gene polymorphisms of hOGG1, XRCC1, XRCC3, ERCC2 and the folate metabolism gene MTHFR on chromosomal aberration frequencies, Mut res 2006 Des 1; 602(1-2):151-62
J Berg, S Aase, TH Søland, AM Gabrielsen, MV Svendsen, JTh Lien, G Hauss. The value of cytology in the diagnosis of lung cancer. APMIS 2005;113:208-12
Abstract/ kongresspresentasjoner
Sarjomaa M, Eikeland R, Diep LM, Tveten Y, Reiso H, Thilesen C, Nordbø SA, Berg KK, Aaberge I, Pearce M, Kersten H, Vandenbroucke JP, Fell AKM. Longitudinal follow-up study of SARS-CoV-2 antibody persistence. ECCMID 2022, Lisboa, Portugal.
Nordang GBN, Busk ØL, Klepaker G, Page CM, Leblanc M, Holla ØL, Fell AKM. Targeted sequencing of 130 asthma candidate genes and association testing of rare variants with age of onset in Norwegian asthma patients. European Respiratory Congress 2021, poster presentation.
Zivadinovic N, Klepaker G, Svendsen MV, Torén K, Henneberger PK, Kongerud J, Fell AK. Occupational exposure and new onset asthma in the Telemark study: a five-year follow-up. ERS congress 2020, Wien, poster presentation.
Anne Kristin Moller Fell, Nikola Zivadinovic, Geir Klepaker, Martin Veel Svendsen, Regine Abrahamsen, Johny Kongerud, Paul D. Blanc, Kjell Torén. Occupational exposure and new onset chronic bronchitis in a general population sample from Telemark.
Klepaker G, Svendsen MV, Henneberger PK, Fell AKM, Kongerud J. Both asthmatics and non-asthmatics reporting work-related symptoms (WS) have significant lower FEV1 and FEV1/FVC than asthmatics and non-asthmatics without WS. American Thoracic Society Congress, Dallas, USA, Mai 2019, poster discussion.
Oellingrath IM, Müller De Bortoli M, Svendsen MV, Fell AKM. Lifestyle risk index, work ability and sick leave among Norwegian employees with and without physician-diagnosed asthma. International society on behavioral nutrition and physical activity, Praha, April 2019, poster.
Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Klepaker G, Øvstebø R, Aass HCD, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Markers of asthma control - Cross-sectional data from the general population in Telemark, Norway. ERS congress 2019, Madrid, poster.
Zivadinovic N, Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Fell AKM, Kongerud J, Henneberger PK. Loss to five-year follow-up in the Telemark study. ERS congress 2019, Madrid, poster.
Klepaker G, Svendsen MV, Hertel JK, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Does Body Mass Index and asthma affect work ability? Cross-sectional data from the general population in Telemark, Norway. ERS Congress, Paris 2018
Klepaker G, Svendsen MV, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Work-related asthma associated with high prevalence of respiratory symptoms and reduced work-ability in a cross-sectional population based study from Norway. ICHO Congress, Dublin 2018.
Marit Müller De Bortoli, Inger M. Oellingrath, Martin Veel Svendsen, Anne Kristin Møller Fell. Lifestyle and work ability in a Norwegian general working population. ICHO Congress, Dublin 2018.
Svensson UKE, Schiöler L, Toren K, Fell AKM, Hellgren J. Chronic rhinosinusitis in relation to occupational exposures – the Telemark population study. Abstract. The Nordic otorhinolaryngologist meeting, Göteborg 2017. Posterpresentasjon
Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Henneberger P, Toren K, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. Exposure to damp or mould at home in relation to respiratory symptoms and asthma in the Telemark study, Norway. ERS Congress, London 2016.
Abrahamsen R, Fell AKM, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Toren K, Henneberger P, Kongerud J. Occupational groups associated with asthma-related respiratory symptoms in a cross-sectional study from Norway. ERS Congress, London 2016.
Fell AK, Kim J-L, Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Toren K, Henneberger P, Kongerud J. Household smoking and respiratory health in Telemark, Norway, 10 years after the introduction of a smoking ban. ERS Congress, London 2016.
Klepaker G, Rolke H, Fell AKM. A cluster of occupational asthma in a factory producing fiberglass. NIVA Course: Occupational lung diseases, Gøteborg 2016.
Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Henneberger PK, Gundersen GF, Torén K, Kongerud J, Fell AKM. A follow-up of non-responders in a population-based study of respiratory health in Norway. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2015.
Fell AKM, Abrahamsen R, Henneberger P, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Torén K, Kongerud J. Breath-taking jobs: Respiratory work disability by occupation in a sample from the general population in Norway. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2015.
Abrahamsen R, Fell AKM, Henneberger PK, Svendsen MV, Torén K, Kongerud J, Increased prevalence of asthma associated with accidental peak exposures. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2014.
Fell AKM, Abrahamsen R, Svendsen MV, Henneberger PK, Espeland O, Torén K, Kongerud J. Respiratory symptoms and change of workplace in the general population of Telemark. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2014.
Røysted W, Simonsen Ø, Jenkins A, Sarjomaa M, Tveten Y, Ragnhildstveit E , Svendsen MV, Kanestrøm A, Waage H, Ringstad J. Legionella pneumonia in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Norway European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2012.
Svendsen MV, Oellingrath IM, Brantsæter AL Long term association between breastfeeding and overweight in Norwegian schoolchildren 4th International Self Determination Theory Conference, At Ghent University Belgia
Reinboth M, Oellingrath IM, Svendsen MV. Motivational and physical activity among Norwegian 4th graders. Nordic Nutrition Conference. Reykjavik, 2012
A. K. Fell, H. Notø, M. Skogstad, K. C. Nordby, W. Eduard, M. V. Svendsen, R. Øvstebø, A. M. Trøseid and J. Kongerud. A cross-shift study of lung function, exhaled nitric oxide and inflammatory markers in blood related to exposure in Norwegian cement production workers. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2010
STAMI-rapport, årgang 14, nr.1 (2013) Nevropsykologiske effekter etter eksponering for løsemidler – en litteraturstudie med vekt på sammenheng mellom eksponering og effekt.
Rita Bast-Pettersen, Svein Grahnstedt,, Gerd Sissel Andorsen, Kristin Johanne Bleie, Hilde Slørdahl Conradi, Marit Gulbrandsen, Tom Holthe, Randi Kristine · Falnes Olsen, Wenche Røysted, Endre Sundal, Per Søstrand, Kari Troland, Bente Ulvestad, Helge Kjuus
Geir Klepaker
Influence of asthma and body mass index on respiratory symptoms, lung function, and work ability: A general population study in Telemark. 2023
Marit Müller de Bortoli
Lifestyle, work ability and sick leave in a general Norwegian working population – a cohort study from Telemark. 2021
Regine Abrahamsen
Occupational exposure, asthma and respiratory work disability. A general population study in Telemark. 2018
Anne Kristin Møller Fell
Lung function, inflammatory markers, and occupational exposure in cement production workers. 2011
Ånund Hobbesland
A study of mortality cancer incidence among workers in the Norwegian ferroalloy industry. 2000
Tor Erik Danielsen
Welding and lung cancer. New knowledge from historical exposure among electric welders. 2000
Halfrid P. Waage
The Identification of Previously Asbestos-Exposed Subjects and the Modification of Lung Cancer Risk. 1997
Bjørn Hilt
Epidemiology of Asbestos-related Diseases in the County of Telemark, Norway. 1987
Helge Kjuus
The role of combined occupational exposures in the development of som chronic diseases. An epidemiologic study. 1986