About Sykehuset Telemark (Telemark Hospital Trust)
Sykehuset Telemark is a versatile acute hospital and offers diagnostics and treatments in most specialist areas.

We serve a population of approximately 170 000 inhabitants within the county of Telemark. Our owner is Helse Sør Øst (Health South East), the regional health authorities of the south and eastern parts of Norway.
We have about 4000 employees, which adds up to approximately 3000 FTEs.
Sykehuset Telemark is in charge of four disciplines within the counties of Telemark and Vestfold; plastic surgery, medical genetics, fertility treatments and occupational Medicine.
The head of administration is located in the city of Skien.
In addition to Skien, we have sites throughout the county of Telemark at Porsgrunn, Notodden, Rjukan and Kragerø.